Seed and Plant Journal
Seed and Plant Journal

The Seed and Plant, with respect to the ethical rules and regulations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), declares that it follows the principles, policies and executive protocols for prevention of plagiarism, falsification, authorship, conflicts of interest and misconduct in scholarly publications outlined in the COPE’s core practices.
The Seed and Plant with more than 40 years history is a prestigious peer reviewed agricultural sciences publication in Iran, and is highly respected and popular among faculty members and rank and tenure committees of universities and agricultural research institutions as well as postgraduate students. The Seed and Plant is published as quarterly. The Seed and Plant accepts review articles and articles developed from the research results in the fields of plant breeding, genetics, biotechnology, agronomy and physiology of field crops, horticultural crops, and medicinal plants, which are written in Farsi language, according to its guides for authors, and have not been previously submitted to any other journal for being published. The received manuscripts will be peer reviewed by reviewers and editorial board of the Seed and Plant. Articles which were presented in the national or international conferences and congresses and their abstracts published in the relevant proceedings are accepted for evaluation and review, should the contents be developed and completed following the standards and formats of the Seed and Plant. Scientific short articles/reports would also be accepted and published.
- Journals Physical Science and Engineering
- Journals Energy and Power
- Journals Engineering and Technology
- Journals Civil and Structural Engineering
- Journals Chemical Engineering
- Journals Built Environment
- Journals Physics
- Journals Environmental Sciences
- Journals Computer Science
- Journals Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Journals Materials Science
- Journals Chemistry
- Journals Mathematics
- Journals Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Science
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