The Journal of Essays in Philosophy and kalam

The Journal of Essays in Philosophy and kalam

The Journal of Essays in Philosophy and kalam

Poster of The Journal of Essays in Philosophy and kalam

Type of articles published in the journal

The Journal of Essays in Philosophy and kalam is mainly committed to reviewing research articles, and in this regard, judging articles and granting admission is done in accordance with research criteria.

Field and specialty of the magazine

The field of activity of the Semi-annual research journal is Philosophy, kalam and related interdisciplinary topics.

This publication will only publish articles that contain new and original findings in the aforementioned fields. The editorial board always welcomes the results of research by professors, researchers and experts.

Journal topics

New kalam issues In Islamic philosophy and kalam

New kalam issues In Verses and hadiths

Transcendent intellectual issues in the works before Mulla Sadra

Transcendent politics

Comparative kalam Issues

Symmetrical kalam Issues

Philosophy of kalam issues


Open access policy

 The Journal of Essays in Philosophy and kalam has immediate access to its content in a free way

And It is freely available to readers and writers. How to access the articles in this publication follows the letter of commitment.

Confidentiality Statement

The Names and e-mail addresses entered on the publication site are used exclusively for the purposes of the publication and are not accessible to other sections and will not be made available to any other person or organization.