Critical Studies in Texts and Programs of Human Sciences

Critical Studies in Texts and Programs of Human Sciences

Critical Studies in Texts and Programs of Human Sciences

Poster of Critical Studies in Texts and Programs of Human Sciences

“Pizhuhish nāmah-i intiqādī-i mutūn va barnāmah hā-yi ̒ulūm-i insāni (Critical Studies in Texts and Programs of Human Sciences) is a quarterly journal that contains specialized material in the field of humanities and was first published as "Quarterly Journal of Humanities" in the spring of 1379, and until the spring of 1388, 19 issues of this journal were published in 15 volumes with the same name. From numbers 6 and 7 onwards, this journal's publication order has been changed from quarterly to bi-quarterly. After that, from numbers 20 to 37, this journal has been released as "Critical Studies in Texts and Programs of Human Sciences" quarterly journal, from numbers 38 to 47 bimonthly, from numbers 48 to 109 as a monthly and finally from number 110 until now, it is published quarterly.

The approach of the Pizhuhish nāmah-i intiqādī-i mutūn va barnāmah hā-yi ̒ulūm-i insāni (Critical Studies in Texts and Programs of Human Sciences) is to publish book review articles, critical theory, and curriculum. However, it is not the common sense of Book Reviews, but a review that is tailored to the publication in a scientific-research journal and respects the format, methodology, and content rules of such articles